jeudi 6 août 2015

Julien Doré adopts vintage and rock bracelets

Bootleggers Wild Turquoise, brand of vintage and rock 'n' roll jewelry is now on Lili Shopping !
With its authentic, american and vintage style, the brand is more and more appreciated and even celebrities crack. 

Julien Doré, famous singer revealed by La Nouvelle Star is now songwriter and already fan of the brand. Spotted several times wearing Bootleggers Wild Turquoise bracelets, the artist has his own style, rock and romantic.
Bootleggers Wild Turquoise creations are unique and inspire artists like Julien Doré. The singer like rock, tattoos and the United States. The style of the brand corresponds to him perfectly.
The brand has created in 2013 by Franck Merle. She is young but already popular and the creativity of these bracelets seduced Julien Doré who wearing these jewelry during his concerts. 

If you too want to have Bootleggers Wild Turquoise jewelry, go on Lili Shopping's e-shop. 

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